It's Groundhog Day in May. K and I have recently started having "repeat" conversations. One of the many is about a little boy in her Toddlin' Time class.
K: Where's Campbell?
Me: He's at home with his Grammy.
K: At home with his Grammy?
Me: Yes.
K: She hurt her arm?
Me: Yes.
K: She have a pink band-aid?
Me: Maybe.
We generally have that conversation once a day and on class day, it's several times. Her other new thing is to point out the traffic lights.
K: Green "Go"
Me: Yes
K: Red "Stop"
Me: Yes
K: Yellow "Slooooooowwww Down"
Me: Yes
K: What's purple
Me: There aren't any purple traffic lights
And this conversation continues until we've exhausted all the possible colors of the rainbow. As exhausting as it is sometimes, I know that this is just a stage and will pass all too quickly. Of course with G, she passed from Groundhog Day straight into non-stop talking, and that was five years ago :-)
I'm feeling pretty accomplished this week as I've managed to get the Mother's Day pics off of the camera and onto the blog, and it's still May.
The reason I get up in the morning....... |
Cutest little goat herder you've ever seen! |
Baby K and R |
Love these cheeseballs! |
My gift from my sweet girls. Not the best pic but each charm has a name engraved on it--absolutely love this because it is so unique from other "mother's jewelry". You can check it out at |