As much as I look forward to the "new" feeling that comes with the beginning of a new year, I'm sad to see 2011 go. This has been a year of many blessings for me and my family.
We've all managed to stay healthy (maybe a few colds and viruses but nothing too serious), and the same can be said for our family and friends, we're still both employed in this tumultuous economy, and last but not lease we were blessed with the arrival of our sweet Baby M.
I rejoice in the fact that the new year is going to bring the opportunity to continue to see our beautiful girls grow and flourish (for which I am very excited) but it also brings a bit of sadness as this mom realizes that with each new step to independence that they will need me less. Actually, I could use a little more sleep at night :-)
Both older girls are doing great in school (it's hard to believe that K is in preschool) and I expect that Baby M will be walking way before she turns a year-old, and so there are lots of things to look forward to this new year.
I will miss the holidays but I am happy to have the opportunity to slow down a bit in January. G told me yesterday that we had to start planning her birthday party---it's in March! I think I can wait for at least a few weeks to jump into that!
I'm resolved to not make any resolutions this year but to take each day one at a time and enjoy it to it's fullest. And with that thought, I leave you with some final pics from Christmas!

Putting out the reindeer food

K and Lady

The annual Jones family Christmas Eve pic

Mimi made all the girls new hats

Somebody got new dress-up shoes

Marie-Grace made it onto the sleigh!

Liking this new playring!

The cousins on Christmas Day

Cousin Wes and his biggest fan