Tuesday, August 27, 2013

We're getting old....

We're getting old......I'm not sure when we crossed the great divide but I'm pretty sure it has taken place!

We had the pleasure of free tickets, courtesy of friends, to see Toby Keith in concert this past weekend.  It was a great show but it came in second to the exceptional amount of "people watching" that we were able to experience.  We must have stuck out like sore thumbs in our khaki pants and polo shirts.  The norm for dress was short shorts (with the pockets hanging out of the front) and halter tops for the women, jeans for the men, and cowboy boots and hats for everyone.

When we arrived at 7:00pm it was obvious that the majority of the crowd had been there for awhile.  There were grills fired up, cornhole games taking place, and full-on picnics complete with tables and chairs setup truck-side.  I thought that tail-gating only took place at football games. Boy, was I wrong!

There was also no shortage of red solo cups! or alcoholic beverages to fill those cups!  By the time Toby Keith came on stage there were quite a few passed out fans.  It left me wondering how they were going to get home!

Thanks friends for an interesting and enjoyable date night with the hubs but I think I better keep my older self home with the younger crowd :-)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Best Mom Eveerrrr!

Yep, that's me!  Best Mom Ever! and all it took was a $.50 ice cream cone from Burger King and a new Palace Pet.  I'm trying to enjoy these small moments because all too soon they will be replaced with bigger expectations :-)

Saturday, August 3, 2013

We've joined the crowd

Yep, we're officially "in".  The Jones family is now an epi-pen carrying member of the peanut allergy crowd.

I'm trying to make light of the situation because honestly, I am completely overwhelmed by it.  Peanuts and nuts are everywhere!  I went to buy a prepared roaster from our local grocery yesterday and it had an allergy warning on it because of a shared preparation space.  I've fed these same roasters to my kids several times over the past year and have unknowingly put my youngest at risk.

We were at a playdate earlier in the week and I brought some potato chips and guess what?  They were cooked in peanut oil.  AAAAHHHHH!

And to complicate my induction into this new society, sometimes peanuts can masquerade as other things.  If the food has hydrolyzed plant or vegetable protein, and has been imported, it may really be peanuts/nuts.

So much to learn, so much to learn........

Thursday, August 1, 2013

A busy couple of weeks

We've been trying to "catch up" or maybe I should say "get ahead" with all the girl's checkups, dental visits, etc.

It seems like everytime we go for one appointment, it generates another appointment.  In the past two weeks we've seen: the pediatrician a couple of times, the asthma/allergy doc on two separate visits, the eye doctor, the dentist, and had blood drawn at the lab.

Little Miss M's visit to the pediatrician generated a visit to the asthma/allergy doc for further allergy testing.  I have been hesitant to do further testing because the pediatric dermatologist who treats her skin rashes advised that allergy testing is not very accurate until a child reaches age 4 because their immune system is immature.  The pediatrician felt that even though we would need to test again at age 4, it would be helpful to find out what the results were right now.

We had done some minor allergy testing when M was just about 4 or 5 months old because of the skin rashes to rule out a milk allergy.  At that time, the only thing she tested positive for was "cat".  We've tried really hard to minimize the cat exposure over the past 18 months but there have been several instances where she has not been around cats and has had a flare.  I was beginning to think that she was allergic to grass/trees, the chemicals in the swimming pools, sunscreen/different lotions, and maybe even new carpet fibers--there have just been some weird times that she has flared up.

Soooooo, we go this past week for the skin allergy tests and what comes up positive,  the only thing that comes up positive??????  Peanuts.  My child who had previously tested positive for cat on a skin test and a blood test did not have a positive reaction to cat.  There was no reaction to grass/trees/pollen but she tested positive for peanuts.  This is my child who doesn't like peanut butter.  I know that peanuts and nut products are found in a lot of foods nowadays, but I'm just finding it hard to believe that she has tested positive for peanuts.  I think the doc was also a bit surprised about the cat findings and so we just made a trip to the lab for bloodwork to confirm/deny the recent findings.

UUUGGGHHH! So frustrating!

So on to my beautiful K.  We went for her 4 year checkup which is considered the kindergarten screening and she didn't do so well on the eye test.  This morning we went to the eye doctor and she has a astigmatism in both eyes.  Her vision is approximately 20/30 in each eye but because a astigmatism makes everything a little blurry, the doc recommended she wear glasses all the time because at this age all learning is done visually.  It's possible that the astigmatism may get better as she grows or it may get worse.  If it does get worse, it is something that can be corrected surgically when she she is older.

She picked out her own glasses.  Is this kid cute or what?