We had a great Thanksgiving Day--had dinner with my family and then just a couple of hours later, had dinner with R's family. My only complaint is the one that I have every year--I just wish that there was more time between the family dinners. It's hard to really enjoy both when they are just a couple of hours apart and we are usually miserable from overeating by the time we get home.
K and cousin J
K, cousin J and G
"Where's the turkey?"
I have this same expression when eating Grammy's sweet potato pie!
The girls with cousin CJ at Mimi's house
The two older girls stayed with Grammy and D-daddy on Thursday night so that R and I (and Baby M) could do some Black Friday shopping. I didn't want to seem to anxious and so R and I didn't even leave the house until 6:15am. Our first stop was Walmart and unbelievably we were able to park in the 2nd spot from the front--the parking lot was half empty. I guess the masses must have been there for the 10:00pm opening. Even so, we found almost everything that we had been looking for and what we didn't get at the first Walmart, we were able to get at the second one.
I spent a good portion of yesterday organizing and purging my office file drawers. My "adoption drawer" got special attention. Up until this point, I had held onto just about every scrap of paper that was or could be used for adoption. I think I've finally come to a "happy place" and realize that it's okay to let some of the paper go. Of course, I kept things that might have special significance to the girls but I realize that we are at the end of our adoption journey. I'm maybe a little sad but also feel very relaxed at the place I am at in my life now. I have a sense of peace now that Baby M has joined our family.
R put up the outside Christmas lights yesterday and the girls got a chance to play outside. Our friends M and A gave us a batting practice toy and yesterday was their first opportunity to play with it. K has got incredible hand/eye coordination to be as young as she is. It was amazing to watch her hit the ball off of the "t" almost every time that she swung. I can definitely see some sports activities in our future:-)
Our little slugger:-)
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