I set up this blog approximately 2 years ago and thought that as we were getting closer to a referral for our second daughter that I'd post to it and then use it as a way to keep in touch while we were traveling. The 18 months that our agency quoted as the wait time passed us by a long time ago, as of this past March, the official wait for a referral from China has reached 3 years and based on our log in date we may see a referral in 2013.
Here is a little background from our story-We started our adoption to bring our second daughter home from China in July 2006. We collected all paperwork and our dossier was logged into the China Center for Adoptive Affairs (
CCAA) on December 20, 2006. At the time our agency was saying it would be 18 months to referral. Which we thought was awful since our process for our first daughter was 14 months from time of application to the day we got her in our arms in China. So we waited, and waited, and kept on waiting. While many waiting families with a December log in date switched to the special needs or the waiting child program we were not eligible for those programs because our agency had been denied Hague accreditation.
This past November we finally started to accept the fact that we were going to have to be proactive if this adoption was going to happen within a time frame that we thought was suitable for our family. Our
original thought was thought our girls would be 2 years apart, then it was wouldn't it be nice to have both girls at home for a year together before the oldest one starts kindergarten, and now we are looking at wouldn't it just be nice to have this part of the process over so that we can be a family of four.
This past January we opened our minds and hearts to adopting from another program from another agency. We've left our file in China for now and our new program seems to be moving right along. We may see a referral before the end of the year-YEAH!!!!!!!
I'm making my new resolution to post to this blog at least once a week so keep checking back for an update on the Jones family adventure.